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Crocus care tips for February

Crocus care tips for February

How to save winter-damaged plants

Don’t be in a hurry to discard winter-damaged plants, as you may be able to save them with some emergency care. Read on for more....

Although severe cold is often blamed for the loss of plants in winter, the problem is usually a combination of factors including low temperatures, excessive wet or drought and chilling winds (the latter is particularly damaging to evergreens). Deciduous plants are at their most vulnerable during early winter before they are fully dormant, or after an unseasonably mild spell when they can be fooled into breaking dormancy too early. Excessively long periods of severe weather can also be very damaging to all plants, however if you know what symptoms to look for and you spot the damage early, you can take remedial action to minimize the problem.


We've all experienced severe storms in recent years and are fully aware of the massive destruction they can cause. When high winds wreak havoc across the garden, it’s the new trees and shrubs that haven’t had sufficient time to take root that are the most vulnerable to damage. Unless securely staked and tied, they are easily rocked loose or even completely uprooted. Some trees and shrubs are vulnerable to strong winds even when well established. For example, poplars and willows tend to become top-heavy with a large framework of branches that acts like a sail in high winds, while birch trees can be weak at the base of the trunk and can be toppled in a severe storm. Some types of trees are also prone to damage where large limbs join the trunk. Any tree or shrub that has been weakened by a previous storms or pest and disease attack is even more susceptible.

Garden structures can also be damaged by high winds, so it is worth checking over fences, trellis, arches, pergolas and garden buildings to make sure they are secure. Consider fitting ground anchors and wind braces to greenhouses and sheds in exposed positions.

Uprooted trees and shrubs

Specimens uprooted by strong winds should be replanted immediately. If you can, erect a temporary windbreak made from special windbreak fabric held taut on stout posts firmly knocked into the ground. Plants that have been loosened by wind rock need to be re-firmed into the soil and pruned back to reduce wind resistance or protected with a windbreak. Re-stake trees and secure them with good-quality tree ties, or provide added stability using guy ropes attached to the main branches and pegged into the ground on all sides.

Broken branches

Cut off broken branches neatly using a suitable sharp, clean-bladed tool. Always use the right tools: tackle stems up to 1cm thick with good-quality secateurs; 1-3cm using long-handled loppers; and stems over 3cm using a pruning saw. Always make sure the blades are sharp to make cuts without crushing or bruising the stems. If the branches are large or are not within easy reach, get professional help from a qualified tree surgeon.

Scorched evergreens

All evergreens continue to lose water through their leaves throughout the winter. Wind increases this rate of transpiration, resulting in scorched foliage if the plant cannot take up sufficient water through its roots. This is particularly a problem when the ground is frozen, which prevents the plants from drawing moisture from the soil. In normal circumstances, evergreens exhibit various strategies to counter the problem, such as drooping leaves or dropping needles. However, in severe conditions this may not be sufficient. If possible, put up a windbreak to protect vulnerable plants or wrap them with garden fleece or other insulating material. Even fully hardy plants can be damaged by frost if followed by a rapid thaw, such as when exposed to early morning sun. Early flowering plants like camellias, magnolias, pieris and hydrangeas, as well as the blossoms on fruit trees, are particularly prone to damage. Where sub-zero temperatures are prolonged or very severe, even large well-established specimens can be adversely affected. Frost can lift the soil and loosen the roots, cause exposed stems to die back and even split the bark on the limbs and trunks of trees.

Damaged flowers

Remove damaged buds and flowers by hand or using secateurs to tidy the display. Next year, protect with Christmas rose (Helleborus niger) and Algerian iris (Iris unguicularis) with a cloche to protect them from mud-splash in heavy rain.

Loosened plants

Re-firm the soil around the roots of plants lifted by frost as soon as the ground has thawed. New additions are most likely to be affected, but it is worth casting your eye over all your plants once in a while.

Split bark

The bark on established fruit trees and some evergreen flowering shrubs, such as rhododendrons, are prone to splitting during rapid freezing and thawing. If you notice a specimen in your garden has been damaged in this way, don’t panic. The plant should heal naturally in time, but in the meantime you might like to help protect it during the coldest weather by wrapping the affected stem or trunk. It’s also worth painting wound sealant on cracked plum and cherry bark as well as new deep cracks found on other trees.


Many plants will show signs of dieback after a severe winter. The easiest time to check is in spring when new growth starts. However, some plants break into growth later than others, so to make sure the stem is really dead before you cut it back - scratch the bark off with your thumbnail. If the stem underneath is greenish it’s OK, if brown it’s a candidate for the chop. This is a particularly useful technique when pruning back the exuberant growth of climbers. The stems of deciduous plants, such as hardy fuchsias, may die back completely. But don’t be in a hurry to discard the plant, since it should re-grow from healthy buds lying protected underground. In future, ensure these buds do survive by making sure the roots are well insulated with a layer of leaves or compost in autumn.

Late frosts in spring can also be a problem with new growth. Evergreen climbers, such as the climbing hydrangea (Hydrangea petiolaris), can be vulnerable to scorching when they start to shoot again in spring. Protect with evergreens and other plants – breaking branches and destroying their natural shape.

Waterlogged soil

Most plants can cope for short spells in waterlogged soils, but roots will die if the wet conditions persist. Plants that need a well-drained spot, such as alpines, will turn brown and soggy in no time at all. If your garden is wet all year, grow plants that can thrive in these conditions, but if waterlogging is an occasional problem, consider growing the more susceptible plants in containers so they can be moved to safety in wet weather, or create raised beds in problem areas. The only long-term solution is to improve the drainage or move house!

Heavy snow

Snow for a day or two is great for the kids and the plants don’t mind it too much. But heavy falls will pull plants out of shape and may accumulate in sufficient quantities to cause permanent damage. Plants with tiered branches or horizontal growth, such as cedars, are particularly at risk. Likewise, evergreens pruned into flat-topped hedges or other decorative shapes that tend to collect snow. It looks pretty, but the moment you’ve taken the snaps with your camera, carefully knock snow from the boughs of evergreens. Once the thaw comes the snow increases in weight, and that’s when the damage is done. The solution is simple, just shake vulnerable plants periodically or tap them with a stick to dislodge accumulations. You can also wrap upright conifers with fine mesh netting to prevent them being forced out of shape. Also bear in mind that heavy snow can damage fruit cages and other net structures unless you remove the top net each winter.

Finally, don’t let all this talk of bad weather put you off. It’s always worth trying the odd experiment in the garden - taking a chance with a star plant that may, on the face of it, struggle to survive. After all, that odd exotic climber or tropical border plant may be the magical ingredient that turns your ordinary border into something special.

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